Weight scale

Here we are at the start of a new year. 2022 has flown by, I think that is just because I am getting older and that is what time does, and 2023 brings new beginnings and opportunities.

With the New Year, we enter the dreaded New Year’s Resolution period. We all do this. Okay, maybe it's just me. I make the resolution that I am going to be healthier this year. I make the resolution that I am going to lose weight this year. I make the resolution that I am going to have a better work-life balance. And like most Americans, I find myself sitting on my couch on January 2nd, eating unhealthy foods, wondering if I should actually move the snow or maybe it will melt in April and I will worry about it then because that sounds like a lot of work. All while looking at my email to make sure I didn’t miss something at work. Okay, there is always 2024!

But how about we make the appropriate resolutions and see where that gets us in 2023?

We know from weight loss experts that if someone says they want to lose 25 pounds, they are most likely going to fail. Instead, the expert will coach that we break that 25 pounds down to more appropriate bite-size (do you like that?! Sometimes, I make myself smile!) pieces and look to lose two to five pounds four or five times. That way, when you make your goal, you can celebrate. When you don’t, you won’t lose steam because you know that if you tweak something, you are more likely to be successful. Pretty soon you haven’t just lost 25 pounds, you have lost 30.

We can do the same thing for working out for the first time in a long time. Your old resolution might have said, I am going to workout four times a week. Instead, how about a bite-size resolution of exercising twice this week and getting time on the calendar that didn’t present itself in the past to do that workout. Pretty soon, you will find that you are working out three or four times a week because you have the routine down.

Work-life balance? What a nebulous concept. There are small wins here too that can allow you to feel better that you are focused on yourself or your family. Remember the last two tweaks of the resolution model? Those lead to better balance, don’t you think? How about having a set time to put electronics down because you know that you are going to accidentally/on purpose hit that email button on your phone? Or, commit to not looking at work email over the weekend, something that I did nearly 10 years ago and for the most part have stayed strong. All of these things will allow you to be more present in your home and with the other individuals who are important in your life.

Remember, bite-size. Small steps leading to lasting change. You can do this. The Y is here to help you be successful. It’s a journey, not a sprint.

You’ve got this!

Here’s to a New You!

See you at the Y!

Steve Smith, President and CEO

Posted on: December 30th, 2022

Category: President's Blog
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